
Bonnie belonged to an older woman who lived alone. The woman fell and ended up in a nursing home rehab facility. It became apparent she would not be able to return home. In the meantime, her cat had been staying at the home and family members would check on her and feed her for the three months prior to the woman being permanently moved to a nursing facility. She was unable to take the cat with her and no one in the family could take her.
Bonnie was brought to the vet clinic I work for because she was not eating, had lost weight, and seemed very depressed. I decided to take her home and adopt her since she was such a sweet cat. I knew going into a shelter would have been terrible for her. Unfortunately, the lack of eating and depression had led to some health issues and at her age, she needed hospice care. I had her for three months and completely fell in love with her. She had so much love to give and such a spirit about her.
She passed away that autumn from what appeared to be heart failure. I was so heartbroken that her life had taken these turns at the end. Because of Bonnie's impact on my life, the idea of No Kitty Left Behind was born.

Pickles belonged to an elderly woman who had ended up in the hospital. The woman was not doing well and would not be going back home to her cat. Someone in the family brought him in for some health issues and no one in the family could take him in. I decided, yet again, to take this cat home. Once he was back to his healthy self, I planned on adopting him out.
But, he wormed his way into my heart and still lives with me as one of my own. I didn't want to see this great cat end up in a shelter with an uncertain outcome.
Pickles now spends his days either lounging on my couch or relaxing in the sun next to my fish pond, loving life.

Cinnamon was the next Scottish Fold that I rescued. She was in a tiny kill shelter in Missouri and was doing poorly. She was depressed, hitting her face on the cage door and refused to eat.
I had seen her adoption profile on a Scottish Fold rescue site and immediately contacted them. Her previous owners were an elderly couple. The husband had fallen ill and due to that illness and need for care, Cinnamon could no longer be cared for. With no family members able to take her in, they were forced to relinquish Cinnamon to a shelter.
With the help of another rescue, she was put into a foster home and I made the trek to Missouri on New Years Eve to adopt the poor girl. She has flourished in my home with her kitty siblings and has stolen my heart! She is now the Queen of the house and lives a very spoiled life!

Willy came into my vet clinic with a urinary blockage that almost killed him. His owners had him unblocked and treated. Sadly, getting him back to 100% was financially impossible for his owners, so they relinquished him to me. This guy is one of the sweetest boys I've ever met and needed a second chance at life. He was 11 years old but still had a lot of love to give to the right person! So he came home with me and with the help of my amazing boyfriend we got him back to good health within a few weeks. I was able to find a wonderful new home for him with a woman I know. Willy is now in his forever home with his new mom and kitty sister!

Rosie and Jasmine! Both of their parents passed away recently.
Rosie is settling in quickly with her new mom!
She gets to be an only child and will enjoy being super spoiled and adored.
Jasmine has now claimed her spot as head honcho with her family and is very much in love with their child! She even hangs out and sleeps with their dog, Lady.

Iggy was brought to us when her gentleman passed away and there was no one who could take her in. We were able to get her into a perfect forever home rather quickly! She now gets to live as an only cat with a wonderful single woman so she gets constant, undivided attention which is exactly what Iggy loves!

Winky's previous owner was an older gentleman who had gone through some serious health conditions. Due to this, he no longer had a job or any resources to fall back on. He was no longer able to care for Winky or provide her with a stable home. I took her in and through a contact, I was able to find her a fantastic new home within a week! She is now the queen bee of her new home and her owner adores her!
Paige came to us after her owner passed away suddenly with no family here to take her in. Paige was diabetic but completely healthy otherwise. While in our care, her diabetes went into remission which was fantastic! She was such a sweet girl we knew someone out there would want to adopt her and within a couple of days, she found her forever home!
Her new mom fell in love with her adorable face on social media and wanted to give her the best retirement home after her ordeal. Paige went home in July and acclimated quickly to her new home where she is the Queen of the castle and has her new mom wrapped around her paw!

Hi! I'm Cutie Pie! My dad could not care for me anymore so after 2 months of being in our apartment with only the maintenance guy feeding me, these nice people from NKLB picked me up. I was having some urinary issues and needed surgery to get me all better-and they did that for me! My only special need is to stay on a prescription urinary diet to keep those nasty urinary stones from ever coming back!
Well! I landed the most perfect home thanks to everyone's help. I am the center of my new moms' world and I couldn't be happier! They spoil me rotten and and I have trained them well already!

Hi! I'm Molly!
My mom suffered from a stroke. She also had dementia and had been unable to care for me. I was alone in the house for a few weeks, with family popping in and out. But then, the nice ladies of NKLB came and rescued me!
It took a few months, but I've now moved in with my new parents and they are wonderful! I will miss my foster mom but I am so excited about my new family! I have the whole house to myself and I am loving my new life!

Hi! My name is Harley!
I am a 15 year old neutered male, and am quite dashing. My human mom passed away and nobody in the family could take me and my brothers. My two brothers have also passed away since then.
I spent extra time with my amazing foster parents due to Covid-19 and they were so sad to see me go! I am a quirky fellow and was hoping for an owner as unique as me..and she found me!
Now I spend my days pampered and adored! I have all the coolest boxes to sleep in and she even got me a top hat which I must say makes me look even more dashing!
Oh! I even have my own Instagram page so look me up at itsokharley
You will enjoy it, I'm sure!

Hi!! I'm Reilly!
The only mom I ever knew had cancer and had to give me up. I was so sad to leave her. But then, I landed the nicest home with a woman who works from home all the time. I supervise to make sure she works hard and then after work, we are TV buddies. I loved being brushed and petted, which I get plenty of! The best part is I'm the only kitty so I get All the lovin' I demand!

We are Jack and Jill!
Our dad passed away and there was no one to care for us. We were scooped up and put into a nice foster home. And she fell in love with us!
The foster lady decided we would be great companions and adopted us together which was all we hoped for! We get spoiled with pets, kisses and is a happy place for us again!

Hi guys! I'm Penny!
My elderly mom had to move into a facility and couldn't take me with her. I lived with a sibling but we were separated. I was scared after being left a the shelter, but a few angels got me set up in a foster home and then it happened! A wonderful older woman took me home to be her companion and my life is once again complete!

Hi there! I'm Bella!
My parents had to move out of the country and could not take me with them. That was the only home I knew for 15 years so I was a little scared and sad when I came to the foster home. After a little while, I got adopted by a nice lady and now it's us against the world! I love hanging out with her and I assist with her Zoom meetings. Life is so good again!

I'm Sasha!
I am a pleasantly plump, healthy 7 year old lady who was looking for a quieter home with no other pets. My daddy passed away from cancer and there was no one else able to care for me so I found myself at a foster home, looking for a new person.
A wonderful older woman decided she really wanted to adopt me, and now I'm home loving my new life. She gets my undivided attention and I get to have her all to myself!

Hello world! I'm Purrl!
My family was in the military and they suddenly had to move far away, and they weren't able to take me with them. I was very sad but I quickly settled into the nice home I was sent to. I decided I liked it there and to my delight, my foster parents fell in love with me so I get to stay!

Kovu is a 3 year old neutered male who came to us with a urinary blockage. Due to swift treatment and recovery at one of our foster homes, he was ready to find his forever home. It took a little while, but this fine specimen got his Christmas wish and was adopted by two wonderful ladies and their one-eyed cat Momo! He has since become a lap cat and king of his domain which he readily shares with his new sis. Here's to a long and happy life to this special guy!

Hi there from these two big, beautiful boys Beauty and Houdini. Their mom passed away and their aunt took them in, but they did not get along with their dog so she, with great sadness, gave them to us.
Together Beauty and Houdini made the perfect magical pair! We love that someone took these boys in a as the only rulers of their domain. They came out of their shells rather quickly and shower their new human with love, snuggles and purrs!

Thomas came from the streets of Providence as a mostly outdoor cat. He contracted FIV but that’s no big deal! Within no time, he was scooped up by an amazing couple who lost their two cats within a year and were ready to adopt this extremely affectionate and rambunctious teenager! We wish Thomas and his new parents the happiest of times together!